Do you feel like people take you seriously? Do people respect you? 

Guys, some of you may be viewed by others as not being a matured man or having a personality as an immature might because of not having a maturity in your actions or thinking which makes people not take you seriously, think you’re not responsible and reliable.

So, here we have enlisted some 10 things that can make you look immature in the eyes of people around you and that you men should considered for not being immature.

1. Do not hold grudges

Talk it out & don’t harbor resentment. Everyone makes a mistake and deserves an extra chance. In conclusion, Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. And only immature men hold grudges.

2. Don’t get in silly fights.

Fighting injuries cause IQ loss | Health24

Don’t get in stupid fights. The time where you can resolve the things quietly and peacefully by having a conversation despite of this fact to get into silly fights by having a recklessly impulsive. Instigating a fight is for idiots. Above all, real men have the courage to just walk away.

3. Do not use profanity

Do we swear too much?

Using profanity doesn’t make you cool but it does make you look like a jerk, an idiot also, a living piece of crap. Most of the times when men use profanity in vain it does seems to make you look an an immature man.

4. Do not get upset over insignificant things

Don’t sweat the small stuff. This is usually just because they don’t possess the skills to solve problems on their own yet. And that means they’re pretty immature. When someone is always getting upset about things that aren’t really that big of a deal, it means they’re immature. Learn to ignore the small things which don’t play a significant role in your life. To clarify, focus on the good stuff.

5. Do not get jealous. 

Those who are jealous are usually insecure. Those who are insecure are usually pretty immature. They haven’t yet figured out how to accept themselves as is. That means you can run into a lot of issues with jealously simply because they’ll be comparing themselves to anyone else you ever talk to. Which obviously causes major fights and unhappiness.

6. Do not get weirded out by commitment. 

Guys who are very immature don’t like commitment. They think about all the stereotypes of guys in committed relationships and they run for the hills. This is a major sign of immaturity.

It takes a mature man to admit that commitment is actually great. It makes him stronger when committing to a single person and being faithful. Immature men, on the other hand, are scared by it.

7. Have plans for the future.

 If you ask a guy what they want for their future and they shrug or mumble about how they don’t know, they’re pretty damn immature. Failing to make plans shows a lack of interest in your future and that definitely shows a level of immaturity.

8. Don’t complain about things instead of changing them. 

Those who complain and complain and complain without ever doing something to make a difference are really immature. They’d rather bitch and moan about something than do something to fix it. If you start dating a person like this, get out as fast as possible. They’re super immature.

9. Respect other’s opinion too.

 Aka, if he disagrees, he gets pissed instead of talking things out and trying to understand where you’re coming from. This could be about anything, really.

Maybe you two are having a discussion about politics and you disagree with each other. Instead of listening to your reasoning, immature men will just argue and get mad when you don’t agree with them.

10. Take responsibility for your actions. 

Maturity is being able to admit when you’re wrong and apologize for it. Immature men will continuously argue that they weren’t wrong or they’ll ignore the issue altogether. If a guy is showing this sign that he’s super immature, run. You’ll only have problems with him.

Thanks for reading!!

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